Impedance Audiometry Test

Impedance Audiometry test is used to detect two causes. One is to identify the working condition of the tympanic membrane and middle ear using the Tympanometry by creating air pressure in the ear canal. Secondly, it is used to analyze the acoustic reflex pathways of the middle ear which has carnival nerves and auditory brainstem.  Aditi Hearing undertakes both the test to recognize the hearing loss causes.

Tympanometry Device

Tympanometry is not the type of hearing test; it is used to measure the transmission of energy in the middle ear. Tympanometry is the component of the audiometric analysis. The test is not used to determine the hearing sensitivity. The results obtained are always viewed with pure tone audiometry. Tympanometry is very useful in Otitis media diagnosis by exhibiting the issues of a middle ear.

After finding that the path is clear to eardrum with the help of otoscopy, the test is performed by placing the tympanometer probe in the ear canal. The instrument makes changes in the eardrum pressure, produces a pure tone and records the responses received by the differential pressure of sound.

Acoustic Immittance

It is used to measure the pressure that is involved in the eardrum, ear canal, ossicular chain, cochlea, cranial nerves, tensor tympani, stapedius muscle and the brainstem. This test mainly records the stack, mobility, and resistance of the outer and middle ear. The acoustic impedance is the reciprocal of acoustic immittances. Earlier, this diagnosis was done in impedance instead of immittance, hence the name Impedance Audiometry is also used rarely.

The below tests are carried out in Acoustic immittance

  • Eustachian tube function: Eustachian tube along with nasopharynx connects to the middle ear cavity. Opening and closing of the Eustachian tube functions are diagnosed accordingly.
  • Perilymphatic fistula test: When there is pressure is applied to the eardrum canal, if the response received has nystagmus then it is recorded as positive for perilymphatic fistula.
  • Acoustic reflex thresholds: It is the diagnosis of the stapedius muscles response of the middle ear to the higher intensity and sufficient duration of a sound. When the stapedius muscle responses to the high-pressure sound, there will be compact changes in the middle ear immittance. These changes are recorded and results are generated.
  • Acoustic reflex decay: This test is used to diagnosis the healthy function of cranial nerves in the middle ear.

At Aditi Hearing, the causes of hearing loss are identified without undergoing any painful or time-consuming tests. All the tests are very simple and effective in diagnosing the problems.

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